White-winged Apalis

White-winged Apalis / Apalis chariessa

White-winged Apalis

Here the details of the White-winged Apalis named bird below:

SCI Name:  Apalis chariessa
Protonym:  Apalis chariessa Orn.Centralbl. 4 p.114
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Cisticolidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whwapa1
Type Locality:  Mitole, lower Tana River, Kenya.
Publish Year:  1879
IUCN Status:  


(Cisticolidae; Ϯ Bar-throated Apalis A. thoracica) Gr. ἁπαλος hapalos  soft, delicate (cf. Gotch 1981, erroneously suggested Apalis might be from an African name); "[plate 119] APALIS thoracica   ...   [text] APALIS thoracia [sic].  Gorget Warbler.   Family Sylviadæ.  Sub-fam: Sylvianæ.   Genus (?) Apalis.   GENERIC (?) CHARACTER.  General structue [sic] of Prinea, but the bill shorter, the plumage more compact, and the outer toe not connected to the middle as far as the first joint.   ...   Le Plastron Noir. Le Vaill. Ois. d'Af. 3 pl. 123. f. 1 male. 2 fem.  Motacilla thoracia [sic]. Nat. Miss [sic].  22. pl. 969.   THIS is one of the pretty warblers of Southern Africa, discovered by Le Vaillant: it is very common and widely distributed in the interior, but rare near the Cape.   ...   That this bird is of a tenuirostral type, is almost certain; seeing that it is an obvious representation of Motacilla, Pachycephala, Tamatia, Trichas, Charadrius, and many other collared groups: but whether it forms part of the genus Prinea, or represents the tenuirostral genus between that and Culicivora, is very uncertain. We suspect that this latter station is filled by the Taylor-Warblers of India, not one of which is to be found in our public Museums." (Swainson 1832); "Apalis Swainson, 1832, Zool. Illus., ser. 2, 3, p. 119, pl. 119. Type, by monotypy, Motacilla thoracica Shaw and Nodder." (Traylor in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 154). 
Var. Hapalis
Synon. Chlorodyta, Drymoterpe, Euprinodes.

Gr. χαριεις kharieis, χαριεσσα khariessa  graceful, beautiful  < χαρις kharis, χαριτος kharitos  grace  < χαιρω khairō  to rejoice.

(Trochilidae; syn. Lampornis Amethyst-throated Hummingbird L. amethystinus) Gr. χαριεις kharieis, χαριεσσα khariessa  graceful, beautiful  < χαρις kharis, χαριτος kharitos  grace  < χαιρω  khairō  to rejoice; "Ich betrachte daher den ohnehin für die wissenschaftliche Nomenclatur unbrauchbaren Namen Delattria (!) Bp. nur als "useless synonym" zu Coeligena Less., als deren Typus C. Clemenciae gilt, und bilde für die neuerdings von Gould und Sclater aufgestellte Gruppe Delattria (!) Gould 1861 (nec Bp. 1849) von dem griechischen χαριεις (lieblich) das Genus Chariessa mit den beiden centralamericanischen Arten: 1. C. Henrici   ...   2. C. viridipallens" (Heine 1863) "Chariessa Heine, 1863, Journal für Ornithologie, XI (63), p. 178.  New name for Delattria Bonaparte, 1850, considered barbarous because of its eponymous root." (JAJ 2020).


White-winged Apalis (macphersoni)
SCI Name: Apalis chariessa macphersoni
David William Kinloch Macpherson (1900-1982) Scottish tobacco planter in Nyasaland, big-game hunter, naturalist (subsp. Apalis chariessa).

White-winged Apalis (chariessa)
SCI Name: Apalis chariessa chariessa
Gr. χαριεις kharieis, χαριεσσα khariessa  graceful, beautiful  < χαρις kharis, χαριτος kharitos  grace  < χαιρω khairō  to rejoice.