Green Manakin

Green Manakin / Cryptopipo holochlora

Green Manakin

Here the details of the Green Manakin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cryptopipo holochlora
Protonym:  Chloropipo holochlora Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 14 p.287
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pipridae /
Taxonomy Code:  greman2
Type Locality:  'Bogota,'' Colombia.
Publish Year:  1888
IUCN Status:  


(Pipridae; Green Manakin C. holochlora) Gr. κρυπτος kruptos  hidden, obscure; Mod. L. pipo  manakin  < Gr. πιπων pipōn  small unidentified bird, formerly falsely linked with πιπω pipō  spotted woodpecker; "Cryptopipo  ...  Type species: Chloropipo holochlora P. L. Sclater, 1888  ...  Etymology: The genus name Cryptopipo (from Gr. κρυπτος, hidden or concealed and Mod. L. pipo, a manakin), alludes both to the extremely inconspicuous appearance and behavior of the Green Manakin and to the fact that its true relationships until now have been obscured due to the lack of molecular data. The name is of feminine gender" (Ohlson et al. 2013) (OD per Laurent Raty); "Cryptopipo Ohlson, Fjeldså and Ericson, 2013, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69 (3), p. 796+.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Chloropipo holochlora P. Sclater, 1888." (JAJ 2021).

holochlora / holochlorus
Gr. ὁλοχλωρος holokhlōros  all-green, all-yellow  < ὁλος holos  entire; χλωρος khlōros  green.


Green Manakin (Choco)
SCI Name: Cryptopipo holochlora litae/suffusa
(Pipridae; Green Manakin C. holochlora) Gr. κρυπτος kruptos  hidden, obscure; Mod. L. pipo  manakin  < Gr. πιπων pipōn  small unidentified bird, formerly falsely linked with πιπω pipō  spotted woodpecker; "Cryptopipo  ...  Type species: Chloropipo holochlora P. L. Sclater, 1888  ...  Etymology: The genus name Cryptopipo (from Gr. κρυπτος, hidden or concealed and Mod. L. pipo, a manakin), alludes both to the extremely inconspicuous appearance and behavior of the Green Manakin and to the fact that its true relationships until now have been obscured due to the lack of molecular data. The name is of feminine gender" (Ohlson et al. 2013) (OD per Laurent Raty); "Cryptopipo Ohlson, Fjeldså and Ericson, 2013, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69 (3), p. 796+.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Chloropipo holochlora P. Sclater, 1888." (JAJ 2021).

Green Manakin (Green)
SCI Name: Cryptopipo holochlora holochlora/viridior
(Pipridae; Green Manakin C. holochlora) Gr. κρυπτος kruptos  hidden, obscure; Mod. L. pipo  manakin  < Gr. πιπων pipōn  small unidentified bird, formerly falsely linked with πιπω pipō  spotted woodpecker; "Cryptopipo  ...  Type species: Chloropipo holochlora P. L. Sclater, 1888  ...  Etymology: The genus name Cryptopipo (from Gr. κρυπτος, hidden or concealed and Mod. L. pipo, a manakin), alludes both to the extremely inconspicuous appearance and behavior of the Green Manakin and to the fact that its true relationships until now have been obscured due to the lack of molecular data. The name is of feminine gender" (Ohlson et al. 2013) (OD per Laurent Raty); "Cryptopipo Ohlson, Fjeldså and Ericson, 2013, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69 (3), p. 796+.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Chloropipo holochlora P. Sclater, 1888." (JAJ 2021).