Malagasy Spinetail

Malagasy Spinetail / Zoonavena grandidieri

Malagasy Spinetail

Here the details of the Malagasy Spinetail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Zoonavena grandidieri
Protonym:  Chaetura grandidieri Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.Bull. 3 p.3 pl.1
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Apodidae /
Taxonomy Code:  malspi1
Type Locality:  Mandrisi, eastern side of Madagascar.
Publish Year:  1867
IUCN Status:  


(Apodidae; Ϯ Madagascar Spine-tail Swift Z. grandidieri) Genus Zoonava Mathews, 1914, swiftlet; L. suffix -ena  relating to (cf.  Gr. ζωον zōon  creature; L. advena  stranger); "The last form I will discriminate is perhaps more interesting than any of the others, as it suggests the keynote to the solution of the evolution of the Spine-tailed Swifts.  This is Chætura grandidieri Schlegel, which lives at Madagascar.  Superficially in every detail, save its tail, it is a "Collocalia" of the Zoonava group.  It absolutely agrees in detail as to coloration and, moreover, has the nostrils placed as in the "Collocalia" group, not as in the "Chætura" typical series.  Further, the second primary appears to be longest, which is a character of the former, but not of the latter.  The superficial resemblance is so great that it possesses a MS. name showing its determination as a "Collocalia."  A natural classification will almost certainly prove that is its nearest relationship and that the evolution of the Spine-tail is more recent than the acquisition of plumage coloration.  To initiate this quest, I propose to give it the new generic name ZOONAVENA with type Zoonavena grandidieri (Schlegel).  The tail-feathers are stiff, but the needle-points are quite minute." (Mathews 1918); "Zoonavena Mathews, Bds. Austr., 7, 1918, p. 265.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Chaetura grandidieri Schlegel, i.e. Verreaux." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 241).
Synon. Indicapus.

Alfred Grandidier (1836-1921) French ornithologist, collector in Madagascar 1865 (‡syn. Aepyornis medius, syn. Thamnornis chloropetoides, Zoonavena).


Malagasy Spinetail (grandidieri)
SCI Name: Zoonavena grandidieri grandidieri
Alfred Grandidier (1836-1921) French ornithologist, collector in Madagascar 1865 (‡syn. Aepyornis medius, syn. Thamnornis chloropetoides, Zoonavena).

Malagasy Spinetail (mariae)
SCI Name: Zoonavena grandidieri mariae
• Female eponym; dedicatee not yet identified; "LE C. DE MARIET. MARIÆ.  ...  Patrie: Vénézuela." (Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846, Ann. Sci. Phys. Nat. Agric. Ind. Lyon, IX, p. 319); the possibilities are legion: Mulsant's mother was Marie Anne Victoire Mulsant née Jacquetton (1777-1854), his five daughters included Marie Rosalie Mulsant (1817-1841), Pauline Marie Mulsant (b. 1829), Marie Joséphine Caroline Mulsant (1833-1841), and Marie Jules Victorine Mulsant (b. 1842), his favourite grand-daughter was Marie Françoise Victoire Deduit (fl. 1846) who accompanied her grandfather on trips, his aunt was Marie Rosalie Etiennette Tuffet née Mulsant (d. 1834), and then we have Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717) Swiss-German botanical artist and entomologist in Surinam 1699-1701, and Marie-Rose Wachanru née Gaudemard (1821-1853) French entomologist, both of whom Mulsant admired (see julie) (syn. Amazilia beryllina).
• Marie Duclos (fl. 1850) mother of French zoologist Jean-Paul Coinde (syn. Bombycilla cedrorum).
Margit Mária von Madarász née Ligeti (1862-1951) wife of Hungarian ornithologist Gyula von Madarász (subsp. Bradypterus lopezi).
• Mary Alexander (1843-1905) mother of explorer Capt. Boyd Alexander (syn. Calonectris edwardsii, subsp. Urolais epichlorus).
• Maria Madre I., Tres Marias Is., Mexico (subsp. Cardinalis cardinalis).
• Florence Mary Benson née Lanham (1909-1993) South African botanist, artist, wife of English ornithologist Constantine Benson (Björn Bergenholtz and Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Cisticola njombe, Nesillas, subsp. Zoonavena grandidieri).
• Mary Jane Hargitt (1832-1907) sister of Scottish ornithologist Edward Hargitt (cf. his mother Mary Hargitt née Bagley (1811-1853)) (Paul Scofield in litt.) (syn. Colaptes melanochloros).
Mary Ella Terry née McLennan (1888-1967) wife of US geologist Robert A. Terry (subsp. Colinus cristatus).
• Marie-Izabel Ottonia von Jenisch Baronin von Plessen (1906-1971) wife of German ornithologist Victor Baron von Plessen (syn. Dicaeum maugei neglectum).
• Dr Stella Marie Aglaé Leche Deignan (1901-1993) US anthropologist, wife of ornithologist H. G. Deignan (subsp. Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum).
• Lady Mary Jane Macgregor née Cocks (1863-1919) wife of colonial governor and explorer Sir William Macgregor (syn. Loria loriae).
• Female eponym; dedicatee not yet identified (Dementiev, 1932, Alauda, 4, p. 7) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); perhaps after a relative of the Russian ornithologists Georgiy P. Dementiev or Sergei A. Buturlin, or the collector Brzesinski (syn. Loxia curvirostra guillemardi).
• Édouard Auguste Marie (1835-1889) French commissariat civil servant in New Caledonia 1869, conchologist, collector (Megalurulus).
• Elizabeth Mary La Touche (1907-1973) daughter of Irish ornithologist J. D. Digues La Touche (subsp. Minla ignotincta).
• Mary Moncrieffe Ripley née Livingston (1914-1996) US amateur botanist, entomologist, wife of ornithologist Dr Sidney Dillon Ripley II (subsp. Leptocoma aspasia, subsp. Lonchura teerinki, subsp. Pericrocotus ethologus, syn. Phylloscopus fuscatus).
Mary Alice Ramsay née Hogg (d. 1951) wife of ornithologist Col. R. G. W. Ramsay (syn. Pomatorhinus ferruginosus albogularis).
Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna (1819-1876) eldest daughter of Tzar Nicholas I of Russia and wife of Maximilian de Beauharnais Prince of Eichstädt and 3rd Duke of Leuchtenburg (subsp. Pteroglossus azara).
• Marie Jacquinot (born Sylvie Eugénie Pinot or Pinault or Pinaud) (1794-1857) mother of French surgeon-naturalist Honoré Jacquinot (subsp. Ptilinopus perousii).
• Mary Elizabeth Baker née Waddell (1913-2000) wife of US zoologist and biogeographer Lt. Rollin Harold Baker (subsp. Rhipidura rufifrons).