Gray-crowned Babbler

Gray-crowned Babbler / Pomatostomus temporalis

Gray-crowned Babbler

Here the details of the Gray-crowned Babbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pomatostomus temporalis
Protonym:  [Pomatorhinus] Temporalis Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1), 15(1826) p.330
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pomatostomidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gycbab1
Type Locality:  Shoalwater Bay, Queensland.
Publish Year:  1827
IUCN Status:  


(Pomatostomidae; Ϯ Grey-crowned Babbler P. temporalis) Gr. πωμα pōma, πωματος pōmatos  lid, cover; στομα stoma, στοματος stomatos  mouth; "Gen. POMATOSTOMUS **) nov. gen.  Deckelschnabel.   467.  1. P. temporalis Nob. —  Pomatorhinus temporalis Vig. Horsf. Trans. Lin. Soc. XV. p. 330.  Turdus frivolus Lath? —  Pomatorhinus trivirgatus Temm. Pl. col. 443. — Pomatorhinus temporalis Gould. B. Austr. IV. tab. 20.  Pomatorhinus frivolus Gray Gen. Birds No. 8 et P. temporalis No. 9 et P. trivirgatus. No. 10.   ...   468.  2. P. superciliosus Nob. — Pomatorhinus superciliosus Vig. Horsf. Trans. Lin. Soc. XV. p. 330. — id. Gould Birds Aust. IV. tab. 21.   ...    **) Unter diesem Namen lassen sich die Neuholländischen, bisher zu Pomatorhinus gestellten Formen absondern. Die Flügel sind anders geformt, die 3te und 4te Schwinge verhältnissmässig länger; Schwanz ahgerundet [sic], weniger stufig mit breiteren Federn und weisser Spitzenfärbung. — Nahe verwandt mit P. temporalis ist:  P. rubeculus. — Pomatorhinus rubeculus Gould." (Cabanis 1853); "Pomatostomus Cabanis, 1851 [= 1853], in Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., 1 (1850), p. 83. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds., p. 45), Pomatorhinus temporalis Vigors and Horsfield." (Deignan in Peters 1964, X, 279).
Synon. Morganornis.

L. temporalis  of the temples of the head  < tempora  temples of the head  < tempus  temple.
● ex “Temporal Finch” of Latham 1801 (Neochmia).
● ex “Martin å joues rouges” of Temminck 1807 (syn. Sturnia philippensis).


Gray-crowned Babbler (strepitans)
SCI Name: Pomatostomus temporalis strepitans
L. strepitans, strepitantis  noisy  < strepere  to make a loud noise.

Gray-crowned Babbler (temporalis)
SCI Name: Pomatostomus temporalis temporalis
L. temporalis  of the temples of the head  < tempora  temples of the head  < tempus  temple.
● ex “Temporal Finch” of Latham 1801 (Neochmia).
● ex “Martin å joues rouges” of Temminck 1807 (syn. Sturnia philippensis).

Gray-crowned Babbler (rubeculus)
SCI Name: Pomatostomus temporalis rubeculus
Med. L. rubecula  redbreast or robin  < dim. L. ruber  red, ruddy (syn. Cuculus solitariusPomatostomus).