Araucaria Tit-Spinetail

Araucaria Tit-Spinetail / Leptasthenura setaria

Araucaria Tit-Spinetail

Here the details of the Araucaria Tit-Spinetail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Leptasthenura setaria
Protonym:  Synallaxis setaria Pl.Col. livr.52 pl.311 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Furnariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  artspi1
Type Locality:  Sao Paulo, Brazil; error, the types in the Paris Museum are from Castro, Parana, fide Hellmayr.
Publish Year:  1824
IUCN Status:  


(Furnariidae; Ϯ Plain-mantled Tit Spinetail L. aegithaloides) Gr. λεπτος leptos  thin; ασθενης asthenēs  weak; ουρα oura  tail;  "LXXIX. Leptasthenura RCHB. Nat. Syst. d. Vögel t. suppl. —  Schnabel kurz, fast kegelförmig spitz (meisenartig), Schwanz langstufig und pfeilspitzig, Fahnen dicht und schiefsend, Innenfahne der seitlichen Federn sehr breit, spitzewärts bogig in die Schaftborste übergehend, Mittelfedern lang verschmälert, Fahne spitzewärts faserlos. Lauf wenig länger als Mittelzehe. — Lerchengefieder, Habitus von Aegithalus. — Buschvogel.   *353. L. aegithaloides (Synall. — KITTLITZ) RCHB. t. DXIX. 3595-96.  ...  *354. L. platensis RCHB. t. DXIX. 3597.  ...  355. L. maluroides (Synallaxe — D'ORB. voy. ois. 258. pl. XIV. f. 3) RCHB. t. DXXII. 3614.  ...  *356. L. humicola (Synallaxis — v. KITTLITZ Mém. prés. à l'Acad. Imp. de St. Pétersb. I. 1831. 185. t. VI.) — t. DXIX. 3600.  ...  357. L. ? leucocephala (Synall. — us) D'ORBG. voy. 244.  ...  358. L. flammulata RCHB. t. DXXI. 3609." (Reichenbach 1853); "Leptasthenura Reichenbach, Handb. spec. Orn., cont. x, 1853, Scansoriae A. Sittinae, p. 160. Type, by subsequent designation, Synallaxis aegithaloides Kittlitz (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 27)." (Peters 1951, VII, 74).
Var. Leptostenura.
Synon. Bathmicercus, Bathmidura, Dendrophylax.

setaria / setarius
Mod. L. setarius  bristle-like, bristled  < saeta or seta  bristle.

(syn. Malacopteron Ϯ Grey-breasted Babbler M. albogulare) Mod. L. setarius  bristle-like, bristled  < L. saeta or seta  bristle; "Setaria, Nobis.  Very close to Alcippe, but cannot exactly be arranged therein.  Bill shorter than the head, moderately stout, somewhat depressed at base, a little compressed beyond the nostrils, the upper mandible slightly emarginated, its ridge angulated throughout, and the tips of both distinctly accurved: rictus armed with large setæ, which are particularly strong and firm towards their base, offering much resistance; the frontal feathers also are erect and rigid to the feel, and especially those which surmount the loral region.  Wings of mean length, having the fifth and sixth primaries longest: tail also of mean length, a little graduated externally.  Feet moderately stout, the outermost toe exceeding the inner one in length, the hind toe and claw large and strong, equalling in length the middle toe with its claw, and all the claws moderately curved.  Plumage lax, but squamate upon the crown, copious and puffy over the rump.    S. albogularis, Nobis.   ...   Received from Singapore." (Blyth 1844); "Setaria Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 385. Type, by monotypy, Setaria albogularis Blyth. Not Setaria Viborg, 1795, Vermes (Nematoda), nor Setaria Oken, 1815, Vermes (Gordiacea)." (Deignan in Peters 1964, X, 262).