Baird’s Sparrow

Baird\'s Sparrow / Centronyx bairdii

Baird's Sparrow

Here the details of the Baird's Sparrow named bird below:

SCI Name:  Centronyx bairdii
Protonym:  Emberiza bairdii BirdsAm.[8vo] [8vo], 7 p.359 pl.500
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Passerellidae /
Taxonomy Code:  baispa
Type Locality:  wet portions of prairies of upper Missouri [=Fort Union, North Dakota, vide Stone, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 51, p. 18] .
Publish Year:  1844
IUCN Status:  


(Passerellidae; syn. Passerculus  Baird's Sparrow P. bairdii) Gr. κεντρον kentron  spur; ονυξ onux, ονυχος onukhos  claw; "CENTRONYX, Baird.  ... Hind toe very large; the claw rather longer than its digit, and in its elongation resembling Plectrophanes, but more curved; the digit and claw together rather longer than the middle toe and claw" (Baird 1858); "Centronyx Baird, Rep. Pacif. R. R. Surv., 9, p. 440, 1858—type, by monotypy, Emberiza bairdii Audubon." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, p. 494).   
Var. Centhronyx.

bairdi / bairdii
● Spencer Fullerton Baird (1823-1887) US ornithologist, collector, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution (Acanthidops, syn. Buteo swainsoni, Calidris, syn. Calidris melanotos, ‡Campephilus, syn. Coccyzus americanus, syn. Coccyzus euleri, syn. Coereba flaveola bahamensis, syn. Dryobates pubescens, syn. Dryobates scalaris, subsp. Empidonax affinis, Geothlypis, ‡subsp. Icterus leucopteryx, Junco, subsp. Melanerpes formicivorus, syn. Myioborus melanocephalus ruficoronatus, Myiodynastes, Oreomystis, Passerculus, syn. Phalacrocorax pelagicus resplendens, syn. Polioptila albiloris, Prinia, subsp. Sialia mexicana, syn. Sterna paradisaea, syn. Thryomanes bewickii mexicanus, Trogon, Vireo).
● Dr Robert F. Baird (fl. 1996) Australian palaeontologist (‡Centropus).