Socotra Warbler

Socotra Warbler / Incana incana

Socotra Warbler

Here the details of the Socotra Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Incana incana
Protonym:  Cisticola incana Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.166 pl.15 fig.1
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Cisticolidae /
Taxonomy Code:  socwar2
Type Locality:  Socotra.
Publish Year:  1881
IUCN Status:  


(Cisticolidae; Ϯ Socotra Warbler I. incana) Specific name Cisticola incana P. Sclater & Hartlaub, 1881; "Cisticola incana Scl. & Hartl., P. Z. S. 1881, p. 166, pl. 15.  TYPE in British Mus., "♂ coll. by Prof. Balfour, 23 March 1880, on Sokotra Is."; imm. ♂, wing 50, tail 44: examined and judged to be, not a Cisticola, but more like a Franklinia, probably best classified as the Type of:- Incana incana genus nov., defined thus:-  Form.  Near Franklinia, viz. bill long, very straight, slender and much compressed apically; feet rather large; wings short, obtuse, weak (the foregoing copied from the orig. descr. in P. Z. S. 1881, to which add); texture of plumage loose and soft, particularly dense and puffy on lower back and rump; but tail Cisticoline, less steeply graduated than Franklinia, and rectrices not so narrow (twelve in no., as in both sp.).   Coloration (Only Summer and juvenile dresses known) Plain brownish grey above and white below; more like Franklinia than any species of Cisticola, except tail which is of Cisticoline spotted fan pattern above and below, with white tips and outermost edgings, that of the male Summer dress also with conspicuous white mirrors.  Habits (according to description). Much more like Franklinia than Cisticola." (Lynes 1930).

L. incanus  light grey, hoary, quite grey.
● ex “Grey-poll Warbler” of Latham 1783, and Pennant 1785 (?syn. Dendroica fusca).
● ex "Ash-coloured Snipe" of Latham 1785 (Tringa).

(Cisticolidae; Ϯ Socotra Warbler I. incana) Specific name Cisticola incana P. Sclater & Hartlaub, 1881; "Cisticola incana Scl. & Hartl., P. Z. S. 1881, p. 166, pl. 15.  TYPE in British Mus., "♂ coll. by Prof. Balfour, 23 March 1880, on Sokotra Is."; imm. ♂, wing 50, tail 44: examined and judged to be, not a Cisticola, but more like a Franklinia, probably best classified as the Type of:- Incana incana genus nov., defined thus:-  Form.  Near Franklinia, viz. bill long, very straight, slender and much compressed apically; feet rather large; wings short, obtuse, weak (the foregoing copied from the orig. descr. in P. Z. S. 1881, to which add); texture of plumage loose and soft, particularly dense and puffy on lower back and rump; but tail Cisticoline, less steeply graduated than Franklinia, and rectrices not so narrow (twelve in no., as in both sp.).   Coloration (Only Summer and juvenile dresses known) Plain brownish grey above and white below; more like Franklinia than any species of Cisticola, except tail which is of Cisticoline spotted fan pattern above and below, with white tips and outermost edgings, that of the male Summer dress also with conspicuous white mirrors.  Habits (according to description). Much more like Franklinia than Cisticola." (Lynes 1930).

L. incanus  light grey, hoary, quite grey.
● ex “Grey-poll Warbler” of Latham 1783, and Pennant 1785 (?syn. Dendroica fusca).
● ex "Ash-coloured Snipe" of Latham 1785 (Tringa).