Brown-banded Antpitta

Brown-banded Antpitta / Grallaria milleri

Brown-banded Antpitta

Here the details of the Brown-banded Antpitta named bird below:

SCI Name:  Grallaria milleri
Protonym:  Grallaria milleri Bull.Am.Mus.Nat.Hist. 31 p.147
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Grallariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  brbant1
Type Locality:  Laguneta, 10,300 feet, Central Andes, near Quindio Pass, Cauca, Colombia. Col. pi., Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 36, pi. 39, left-hand fig-
Publish Year:  1912
IUCN Status:  


(Grallariidae; Ϯ Variegated Antpitta G. varia) Mod. L. grallarius  stilt-walker  < L. grallae  stilts  < obsolete gradula  little step  < dim. gradus  step; "GRALLARIE, Grallaria.  Turdus, Linn. Gm. Lath.  Bec droit, un peu fort, épais, convexe en dessus, à dos caréné, comprimé par les côtés; mandibule supérieure échancrée et courbée à la pointe. — Jambes demi-nues. — Queue courte.   Esp. Roi des Fourmilliers, Buff." (Vieillot 1816); "Grallaria Vieillot, Analyse, 1816, p. 43. Type, by monotypy, Roi des Fourmilliers, Buffon = Formicarius varius Boddaert." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 262).
Synon. AgauraChamaebates, Colobathris, Hypsibemon, Myiotrichas, Myioturdus, Oropezus.

Mod. L. grallarius  stilt-walker  < L. grallae  stilts  < obsolete gradula  little step  < dim. gradus  step.

milleri / millerii
● “Miller’s Emerald was first described by M. Bourcier of Paris ...the specific name of Milleri being adopted by him from the late Mr George Loddiges’ MSS. It is not known why Mr Loddiges gave the bird this specific appellation, unless it was from a desire to perpetuate the name of a surgeon in the Royal Navy, who paid considerable attention to the Hummingbirds while stationed on the Pacific side of South America” (Gould 1861). Michael Watkins in litt., believed that the person commemorated was William Miller (1796-1882) an engraver and water-colourist who illustrated many plants from the Loddiges' nursery (subsp. Amazilia versicolor).
● Prof. Loye Holmes Miller (1874-1970) US zoologist, palaeontologist (‡Buteogallus, ‡Chendytes, ‡subsp. Dendragapus gilli, syn. Molothrus bonariensis, Mycteria).
● Aleksandr Yakovlevich Miller (1868-1940) Russian diplomat, Consul in Persian Baluchistan 1900-1901, Consul-Gen. in Mongolia 1913-1916, Consul in Bukhara 1917 (subsp. Dendrocopos syriacus).
● Leo Edward Miller (1887-1952) US collector in tropical America 1910-1917 (Grallaria, subsp. Manacus vitellinus, Microxenops).
● Waldron De Witt Miller (1879-1929) US zoologist (Polytmus).


Brown-banded Antpitta (gilesi)
SCI Name: Grallaria milleri gilesi
O. A. Robert Giles (fl. 2008) British sponsor, conservationist (‡subsp. Grallaria milleri, Megascops, subsp. Scytalopus griseicollis).

Brown-banded Antpitta (milleri)
SCI Name: Grallaria milleri milleri
milleri / millerii
● “Miller’s Emerald was first described by M. Bourcier of Paris ...the specific name of Milleri being adopted by him from the late Mr George Loddiges’ MSS. It is not known why Mr Loddiges gave the bird this specific appellation, unless it was from a desire to perpetuate the name of a surgeon in the Royal Navy, who paid considerable attention to the Hummingbirds while stationed on the Pacific side of South America” (Gould 1861). Michael Watkins in litt., believed that the person commemorated was William Miller (1796-1882) an engraver and water-colourist who illustrated many plants from the Loddiges' nursery (subsp. Amazilia versicolor).
● Prof. Loye Holmes Miller (1874-1970) US zoologist, palaeontologist (‡Buteogallus, ‡Chendytes, ‡subsp. Dendragapus gilli, syn. Molothrus bonariensis, Mycteria).
● Aleksandr Yakovlevich Miller (1868-1940) Russian diplomat, Consul in Persian Baluchistan 1900-1901, Consul-Gen. in Mongolia 1913-1916, Consul in Bukhara 1917 (subsp. Dendrocopos syriacus).
● Leo Edward Miller (1887-1952) US collector in tropical America 1910-1917 (Grallaria, subsp. Manacus vitellinus, Microxenops).
● Waldron De Witt Miller (1879-1929) US zoologist (Polytmus).