Red-legged Tinamou

Red-legged Tinamou / Crypturellus erythropus

Red-legged Tinamou

Here the details of the Red-legged Tinamou named bird below:

SCI Name:  Crypturellus erythropus
Protonym:  Tinamus erythropus Verh..k.k.Zool.-Bot.Ges.Wien 13 p.1127,1129
Taxonomy:  Tinamiformes / Tinamidae /
Taxonomy Code:  reltin1
Type Locality:  Brazil.
Publish Year:  1863
IUCN Status:  


(Tinamidae; Tataupá Tinamou C. tataupa) Dim. < genus Crypturus Illiger, 1811, tinamou; "CRYPTURELLUS, gen.nov.  We have not included in the genus Crypturus the two species C. tataupa and C. parvirostris, as we consider them to differ generically, chiefly in the formation of the bills.  In all the South-American species of the preceding genus (twenty) the nostrils are placed in the anterior half of the bill, whereas in Crypturellus they are situated in the posterior portion.  The membrane on this part is more persistent than in Crypturus and the gonys is proportionately much longer.  We propose C. tataupa (Temminck) as the type" (Brabourne & Chubb 1914); "Crypturellus Brabourne and Chubb, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), 14, 1914, p. 322.  Type, by original designation, "C. tataupa Temm." (= Tinamus tataupa Temminck.)" (Peters, 1931, I, p. 15).
Synon. Crypturornis, Microcrypturus, Orthocrypturus.

Gr. ερυθροπους eruthropous, ερυθροποδος eruthropodos  red-footed  < ερυθρος eruthros  red; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.
● "61. ANAS.  ...  erythropus.  8. A. cinerea, fronte alba. Fn. svec. 92.  Anser helsingicus. Clus. exot. 368.  Habitat in Europa septentrionali." (Linnaeus 1758); “Hartert [et al., 1912] ...uses the name Anser finmarchicus Gunnerus, 1767, for the Lesser White-fronted Goose, as he states that Anas erythropus, Linn., 1758, is not determinable; recently Lönnberg (Ibis, 1913, p. 400) has given very good reasons for fixing Linnaeus’ name on the Lesser White-fronted Goose, which breeds in northern Sweden, while the larger form, Anser albifrons, never does so” (BOU 1915) (Anser).
● ex “Ardea haematopus” or “Cirris” of Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, “Cancrophagus rufus” of Brisson 1760, “Crabier roux marron” of de Buffon 1770-1784, and “Red-legged Heron” of Latham 1785 (syn. Ardeola ralloides).
● ex “Red-legged Gull” of Pennant 1785, and “Brown-headed Gull” of Latham 1785 (syn. Chroicocephalus ridibundus).
● ex “White-backed Coly” of Latham 1783 (syn. Colius colius).

Gr. ερυθροπους eruthropous, ερυθροποδος eruthropodos  red-footed   < ερυθρος eruthros  red; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.
• (Phasianidae; syn. Alectoris  Red-legged Partridge A. rufa) "So, also, on the Continent, the common red-legged partridge (Erythropus vulgaris) is the colour of the gravelly and sandy soils on which it is found" (Blyth 1835); "Two of the Redfoot, (Erythropus Gallicus), or Red Partridge of ordinary parlance, occupy the next plate, and are well figured" (Blyth 1836); "Erythropus Blyth, 1835, in Loudon (ed.), Mag. Nat. Hist and Journ. Zool, VIII, (art. IV), p. 51.  Type, by monotypy, Erythropus vulgaris Blyth, 1835 = Tetrao rufus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
• (Falconidae; syn. Falco  Red-footed Falcon F. vespertinus) "XIII. G.  Rothfußfalke, Erythropus Br.   Der blaugraue Rothfußfalke, E. vespertinus Br." (Brehm 1828); "Erythropus Brehm, Isis, 1828, col. 1270.  Type, by monotypy, E. vespertinus Br. = Falco vespertinus Linn." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 52).


Red-legged Tinamou (columbianus)
SCI Name: Crypturellus erythropus columbianus
columbiana / columbianum / columbianus
● Colombia. To this day the name of Colombia is misspelled in newspapers, scientific works (e.g. NAOC Vancouver 2012 Abstracts, p. 207) and books, and on television (e.g. BBC News Channel (Travel!) 14 May 2017), and generally wrongly pronounced there (e.g. Channel 4 Seven O’Clock News, 10 October 2011) and on radio (e.g. BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine Show 30 November 2016). “America ... north of the Isthmus of Darien, the southern continent being termed Columbia” (Wood 1835) (subsp. Chamaeza campanisona, subsp. Cinclodes excelsior, Crypturellus, Fulica, Ortalis, Phaethornis, subsp. Philydor rufum, subsp. Synallaxis gujanensis).
● Columbia River or Columbia River region (Oregon) (Cygnus (ex “Whistling Swan” of P. Allen 1814), syn. Gymnogyps californianus, Nucifraga, subsp. Pedioecetes phasianellus (ex “Grouse or Prairie Hen” of Lewis 1814), syn. Piranga ludoviciana).
● Greater Colombia (= Venezuela) (Odontophorus, Philydor).
● Columbia County, Florida, USA (‡ Palaeophoyx).
● British Columbia, Canada (subsp. Poecile hudsonicus).
● Erroneous TL. Porto Cabello, Colombia (= Ciudad Bolívar, Río Orinoco, Venezuela) (Sicalis).

Red-legged Tinamou (saltuarius)
SCI Name: Crypturellus erythropus saltuarius
L. saltuarius  forester, ranger  < saltus  glade, woodland-pasture.

Red-legged Tinamou (idoneus)
SCI Name: Crypturellus erythropus idoneus
idonea / idoneus
L. idoneus  suitable, appropriate.

Red-legged Tinamou (cursitans)
SCI Name: Crypturellus erythropus cursitans
L. cursitans, cursitantis  running  < cursitare  to run up and down, to run about.

Red-legged Tinamou (spencei)
SCI Name: Crypturellus erythropus spencei
● James Mudie Spence (1836-1878) English traveller, naturalist, collector in Venezuela 1871-1872 (Crypturellus).
● William Spence (1783-1860) English entomologist (Heliangelus).
● Sir Reginald Arthur Spence (1880-1961) British businessman in India 1901-1933, philanthropist, naturalist (syn. Turdus simillimus nigropileus).

Red-legged Tinamou (margaritae)
SCI Name: Crypturellus erythropus margaritae
● Margarita Nikandrovna Zilova (fl. 1897) common-law wife of Russian ornithologist Konstantin Davydof (Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Alectoris chukar sinaica).
● Margaret Kernochan Pulitzer née Leech (1893-1974) US author, historian, wife of publisher and sponsor Ralph Pulitzer (Batis).
● Margarethe Koenig née Westphal (1865-1943) German field-naturalist, collector, wife of zoologist Prof. A. Koenig (subsp. Chersophilus duponti).
● Gabrielle Maud Vassal née Candler (fl. 1919) collector in tropical China and Indochina (subsp. Cissa chinensis).
● Subsequent spelling by author of subspecific name Coeligena torquata margaretae Zimmer, 1948 (syn. Coeligena torquata margaretae).
● Margaret Hall Holt née Lander (b. 1894) wife of US ornithologist Ernest G. Holt (Conirostrum).
● Isla Margarita, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela (subsp. Crypturellus erythropus, subsp. Megascops choliba, subsp. Phalaenopsis brasiliana, subsp. Rallus longirostris, subsp. Xiphorhynchus susurrans).
● Hon. Margaret Mary Fraser (1881-1973) sister of explorer Simon Fraser 14th Lord Lovat (syn. Estrilda paludicola ochrogaster).
● Amelia ‘Daisy’ Woolworth Smith née Smith (b. 1858) US preparator, collector in the Neotropics, wife of naturalist Herbert Huntington Smith (Spanish name margarita for the daisy flower) (subsp. Lampornis amethystinus, subsp. Sporathraupis cyanocephala, subsp. Tangara flava).
● Margaret Fitzell Gilliard née Tifft (1918-2008) wife of US ornithologist E. Thomas Gilliard (subsp. Paradisornis rudolphi).
● Isla Santa Margarita, Baja California, Mexico (subsp. Polioptila californica).
● Anne Louise Marguerite Dorst née Larpent (fl. 1956) wife of French ornithologist Jean Dorst (subsp. Psilopsiagon aurifrons).
● Marguerite Delacour (1860-1954) mother of French ornithologist Jean Delacour (Psittiparus).
● Margaret Boardman Conover (b. 1888) sister of US ornithologist Henry Boardman Conover (subsp. Zentrygon frenata).

Red-legged Tinamou (erythropus)
SCI Name: Crypturellus erythropus erythropus
Gr. ερυθροπους eruthropous, ερυθροποδος eruthropodos  red-footed  < ερυθρος eruthros  red; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.
● "61. ANAS.  ...  erythropus.  8. A. cinerea, fronte alba. Fn. svec. 92.  Anser helsingicus. Clus. exot. 368.  Habitat in Europa septentrionali." (Linnaeus 1758); “Hartert [et al., 1912] ...uses the name Anser finmarchicus Gunnerus, 1767, for the Lesser White-fronted Goose, as he states that Anas erythropus, Linn., 1758, is not determinable; recently Lönnberg (Ibis, 1913, p. 400) has given very good reasons for fixing Linnaeus’ name on the Lesser White-fronted Goose, which breeds in northern Sweden, while the larger form, Anser albifrons, never does so” (BOU 1915) (Anser).
● ex “Ardea haematopus” or “Cirris” of Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, “Cancrophagus rufus” of Brisson 1760, “Crabier roux marron” of de Buffon 1770-1784, and “Red-legged Heron” of Latham 1785 (syn. Ardeola ralloides).
● ex “Red-legged Gull” of Pennant 1785, and “Brown-headed Gull” of Latham 1785 (syn. Chroicocephalus ridibundus).
● ex “White-backed Coly” of Latham 1783 (syn. Colius colius).