Northern Wheatear

Northern Wheatear / Oenanthe oenanthe

Northern Wheatear

Here the details of the Northern Wheatear named bird below:

SCI Name:  Oenanthe oenanthe
Protonym:  Motacilla oenanthe Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.186
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  norwhe
Type Locality:  in Europae apricis lapidosis [= Sweden, fide Hartert, 1910, Vog. pal. Fauna, p. 679].
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Northern Wheatear O. oenanthe) Specific name Motacilla oenanthe Linnaeus, 1758; "MOTTEUX, Œnanthe.  Motacilla, Linn.  Silvia et Turdus, Lath.  Bec plus haut que large à la base, droit, très-fendu; mandibule supérieure un peu obtuse, courbée et échancrée à la pointe; l'inférieure plus courte, droite, pointue. — Ailes à penne batarde; la deuxième remige la plus longue.   Esp. Motteux, Buff. — Turdus leucurus, Lath." (Vieillot 1816); "Oenanthe Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 43. Type, by monotypy, "Motteux" Buffon = Turdus leucurus Gmelin." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 121); "OENANTHE Vieillot, 1816  F — "Le Motteux" Buffon; type by tautonymy = Motacilla oenanthe Linnaeus, 1758" (Dickinson & Christidis (eds.) 2014, 610).
Var. Oeanthe, Ananthe, AenanteAenanthe.
Synon. Campicola, Cercomela, Leucotoa, Penthodyta, Pentholaea, Philothamna, Saxicola, Sciocincla, Vitiflora.

L. oenanthe  wheatear  < Gr. οινανθη oinanthē  unidentified bird mentioned by Aristotle, from its appearance in the vintage season  < οινη oinē  vine; ανθος anthos  bloom, associated with the wheatear by later authors; "99. MOTACILLA. ...  Oenanthe.  17. M. dorso cano, fronte alba, oculorum fascia nigra. Fn. svec. 217.  Oenanthe s. Vitiflora. Jonst. av. 123. t. 45. f. 13. Will. orn. 168. t. 41. f. 4. Raj. av. 75. n. 1. Alb. av. I. p. 53. t. 55.  β. Motacilla subtus pallida, rectricibus introrsum albis, dorso undulato. Fn. svec. 219.  Oenanthes vitifloræ femina. Alb. av. 3. p. 50. t. 54.  Habitat in Europæ apricis lapidosisSexu & ætate varia: cessante nocturno frigore advenit." (Linnaeus 1758) (Oenanthe).

(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Northern Wheatear O. oenanthe) Specific name Motacilla oenanthe Linnaeus, 1758; "MOTTEUX, Œnanthe.  Motacilla, Linn.  Silvia et Turdus, Lath.  Bec plus haut que large à la base, droit, très-fendu; mandibule supérieure un peu obtuse, courbée et échancrée à la pointe; l'inférieure plus courte, droite, pointue. — Ailes à penne batarde; la deuxième remige la plus longue.   Esp. Motteux, Buff. — Turdus leucurus, Lath." (Vieillot 1816); "Oenanthe Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 43. Type, by monotypy, "Motteux" Buffon = Turdus leucurus Gmelin." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 121); "OENANTHE Vieillot, 1816  F — "Le Motteux" Buffon; type by tautonymy = Motacilla oenanthe Linnaeus, 1758" (Dickinson & Christidis (eds.) 2014, 610).
Var. Oeanthe, Ananthe, AenanteAenanthe.
Synon. Campicola, Cercomela, Leucotoa, Penthodyta, Pentholaea, Philothamna, Saxicola, Sciocincla, Vitiflora.

L. oenanthe  wheatear  < Gr. οινανθη oinanthē  unidentified bird mentioned by Aristotle, from its appearance in the vintage season  < οινη oinē  vine; ανθος anthos  bloom, associated with the wheatear by later authors; "99. MOTACILLA. ...  Oenanthe.  17. M. dorso cano, fronte alba, oculorum fascia nigra. Fn. svec. 217.  Oenanthe s. Vitiflora. Jonst. av. 123. t. 45. f. 13. Will. orn. 168. t. 41. f. 4. Raj. av. 75. n. 1. Alb. av. I. p. 53. t. 55.  β. Motacilla subtus pallida, rectricibus introrsum albis, dorso undulato. Fn. svec. 219.  Oenanthes vitifloræ femina. Alb. av. 3. p. 50. t. 54.  Habitat in Europæ apricis lapidosisSexu & ætate varia: cessante nocturno frigore advenit." (Linnaeus 1758) (Oenanthe).


Northern Wheatear (Greenland)
SCI Name: Oenanthe oenanthe leucorhoa
leucorhoa / leucorhous
Gr. λευκος leukos  white; ορρος orrhos  rump.
● ex “Martinet à Croupion Blanc” of Levaillant 1807, pl. 244, fig. 1 (?syn. Apus caffer).
● ex “Cul-blanc du Sénégal” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 583, fig. 2, “Motteux du Sénégal” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Rufous Wheat-ear” of Latham 1783 (subsp. Oenanthe oenanthe).

Northern Wheatear (Eurasian)
SCI Name: Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe/libanotica
(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Northern Wheatear O. oenanthe) Specific name Motacilla oenanthe Linnaeus, 1758; "MOTTEUX, Œnanthe.  Motacilla, Linn.  Silvia et Turdus, Lath.  Bec plus haut que large à la base, droit, très-fendu; mandibule supérieure un peu obtuse, courbée et échancrée à la pointe; l'inférieure plus courte, droite, pointue. — Ailes à penne batarde; la deuxième remige la plus longue.   Esp. Motteux, Buff. — Turdus leucurus, Lath." (Vieillot 1816); "Oenanthe Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 43. Type, by monotypy, "Motteux" Buffon = Turdus leucurus Gmelin." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 121); "OENANTHE Vieillot, 1816  F — "Le Motteux" Buffon; type by tautonymy = Motacilla oenanthe Linnaeus, 1758" (Dickinson & Christidis (eds.) 2014, 610).
Var. Oeanthe, Ananthe, AenanteAenanthe.
Synon. Campicola, Cercomela, Leucotoa, Penthodyta, Pentholaea, Philothamna, Saxicola, Sciocincla, Vitiflora.

Northern Wheatear (Black-throated)
SCI Name: Oenanthe oenanthe seebohmi
Henry Seebohm (1832-1895) British businessman, ornithologist, oologist, traveller (subsp. Alaudala rufescens, Amphilais, syn. Anthus gustaviAtlapetes, subsp. Charadrius alexandrinus, syn. Chloris sinica kittlitzi, syn. Himantopus leucocephalus, Horornis, syn. Lanius borealis sibiricusLocustellaOenanthe, syn. Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus, subsp. Picoides kizuki, syn. Poecile palustris hensoni, subsp. Rhinoptilus cinctus, subsp. Turdus poliocephalus).